Monday, June 23, 2008

Shrek the Third and Hostel: Part II

Also, "Shrek the Third" was on the menu that weekend. Unfortunately, this one didn't quite taste as sweet. Myers, Murphy, Diaz, and Banderas all return for invaluable voice work, but one word comes to mind while watching this underwhelming sequel: Bland, with a capital B. Where's the fire, the spark, the pop culture pizazz? Lost in translation, I presume.

Instead, we are greeted with minor laughs and jokes not even worthy of a bad SNL skit. Everything seems a bit toned-down and not quite as sharp as the first two. Why the creators chose to settle for this type of product is baffling to me, but I suppose when the price is right, anything can happen.

- ** out of 4

Eli Roth has done it again. "Hostel: Part II" is another over-the-top exploitation flick that really goes for the throat in terms of gore and unpleasantry. His insight into the twisted psyches of wealthy businessmen is a great addition to the mix and brings an even darker and more frighteningly real aspect to an already disturbing concept. High on blood, but not as much as you might think. Shower scene will definitely have people squeamish and Roth's ability to create tension is always a strongpoint.

- *** out of 4

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